

Health and well-being depend heavily on being correctly hydrated since every cell in our bodies needs water. Hydration is essential to carry out the most basic functions in our organism such as regulating blood pressure, maintaining an adequate body temperature, and facilitating digestion, this also means that it is considered a crucial factor in preventing non-communicable diseases.

In regards to the heart, it helps to maintain blood pressure and cardiac performance; regarding the muscles, they are made of 70% water, which contributes to a good performance of the muscles; in the cells, it facilitates carrying nutrients and eliminating residues; in regards of the skin, it helps to maintain elasticity and protection, and it helps to prevent overheating of the body, water has an important role since it can regulate body temperature. Therefore, being adequately hydrated is a fundamental habit for our health.

Below you can consult the Hydration Guide developed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). It is an easy-to-use tool to find out the right amount of water for each person based on data provided by EFSA.


In addition to ensuring proper hydration as explained above, the Government of the Canary Islands gives us some more tips to reduce exposure to high temperatures and their consequences:

  • Stay in cool areas with shade or air conditioner most of the time and refresh yourself when you find it necessary.
  • Lower physical activity and avoid practicing sports outdoors during the peak hours of the day.
  • Hydrate yourself by drinking water or other liquids regularly, even if you are not thirsty, and no matter what physical activity you have done.
  • Avoid consuming drinks with caffeine or with a high sugar content since they can contribute to dehydration and do not forget to consume fresh fruit and vegetables that can help to recover loose salts through sweat.
  • Pay special attention to vulnerable groups such as babies, children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, elderly people, and those with diseases that can worsen because of the heat.
  • Use light, loose-fitting, and transpirable clothing.
  • Consult with a health professional if you experience persistent symptoms for more than one hour and that can be related to high temperatures.
  • Store medications in a cool place since heat can alter their composition and effectiveness.
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