Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Santa Cruz de Tenerife is a municipality that belongs to the island of Tenerife, the biggest of the 8 Canary Islands located in Spain. It has a surface area of 150.56 km², and the municipality of Santa Cruz de Tenerife is the capital of the island of Tenerife and shares with Las Palmas de Gran Canaria the capital status of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands.
The municipal territory is divided into five districts and five beaches that border its long coast of 53 kilometres. On the inside, it combines an urban area with the National Park of Anaga, a natural surface that, even though it makes up 82% of the territory, is the less populated district. This makes it a region with a significant presence of nature and biodiversity accompanied by a comfortable weather that suffers minimum temperature variations during the year thanks to trade winds that help the temperature to be around 21º on average, according to official data of the city council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

According to the numbers shown in the Population Statistics of 2023 given by the City Council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and based on the annual revision of the Municipal Register of Inhabitants of January 1st of 2023, Santa Cruz de Tenerife has a total population of 209,478 inhabitants, of whom, 52% are women. Thus, it holds 23% of the island's population which grows significantly every year.
When considering the municipality's economic activities, it's crucial to emphasize that tourism stands as the primary source of income, playing a distinctive and pivotal role in the broader Canarian economy compared to the rest of Spain. Santa Cruz de Tenerife is the second most visited place on the island after the area of the Teide and this makes up for 2.3 million registered tourists in the last year (2022), which translates to an estimated 100 million euros annually in direct expenses. In 2023, from January to July, the number of tourists increased by 33.8% compared to the same period in 2022.
The labour market's condition in the municipality, which was significantly impacted by the absence of tourism due to the COVID-19 pandemic, has witnessed a positive evolution during recent years. Small and micro-enterprises are the centre of the business sector of Santa Cruz de Tenerife with 6932 enterprises registered in 2022. Through the Canarian Institute of Statistics (ISTAC), it is possible to see that the average gross income per person is around €15,000. Additionally, 3 in 10 contracts that are made belong to commercial and restaurant business sectors. However, it is worth highlighting that 6 out of 10 people aged 45 or more are unemployed and, of the total of unemployed people in the municipality, half of them have primary education or less. The latest numbers of unemployment are at 20.42% (July 2023) in relation to a national average of 11.6% (July 2023) and a European average of 5.9% according to Eurostat (June 2023).
In the Canary Islands 37.8% of the population was at risk of poverty and/or social exclusion in 2022 and, even though Santa Cruz de Tenerife is one of the ten richest municipalities of the islands, it is evident that there exists a high inequality level. According to the report of the Tax Agency about PIT (personal income tax) in Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife has one of the poorest neighbourhoods in the country (San Matías). Examining the data from the National Institute for Statistics (INE), the Gini coefficient (an indicator used to measure the level of inequality) marked 37.4 for Santa Cruz de Tenerife in 2018, compared to 33.2 in Spain.
Prevalent disseases
According to the National Atlas of Mortality in Spain (ANDEES), in Santa Cruz de Tenerife there is a high risk of developing diabetes mellitus, followed by other endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases. ISTAC's analysis indicates that, in 2021, approximately 10.6% of residents aged 16 and above in Tenerife had a diagnosis of diabetes, and the number was even higher (11.39%) in the island's urban areas.
Furthermore, the INE (2021) revealed that cardiovascular diseases, cancer and respiratory diseases were the main causes of death in recent years on the island.
The municipality holds an important healthcare network that includes a total of 9 primary healthcare centres, 81 pharmacies, and two hospitals on the island, located in the urban areas between the municipalities of Santa Cruz and La Laguna.
Life habits
Life habits (LH) refer to how people live their daily lives in terms of nutrition, physical activity, smoking and drinking patterns. As recognized by the World Health Organisation (WHO), LH play a fundamental role in their general well-being and they can be directly and indirectly related to the appearance and progression of non-communicable diseases.
Nutrition and physical activity
One of the risk factors related to certain lifestyles is obesity. According to the study carried out by the Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC), 23.1% of the population of the Canary Islands suffers from obesity and 35.1% from overweight.
A healthy diet characterised by the correct consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables is key to a person's well-being and contributes to the prevention of non-communicable diseases.
Data from the European Health Survey in Spain 2020 show that among the population aged 15 and over, 63.9% of men consume fresh fruit on a daily basis, compared to 71.2% of women. With regard to the daily consumption of vegetables, there is a difference of 10 percentage points between men (41%) and women (52%) respectively.
According to data from the report on food consumption in Spain published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the average consumption of fresh fruit per person in 2022 was 80.67 kg, 11.13 kg less per person than in 2021.
As stated by the World Health Organization (WHO), physical activity, associated with a correct diet, is a key element in improving general well-being, as well as providing health benefits such as reducing the risk of suffering from hypertension and diabetes, among others. The WHO warns that physical inactivity increases the risk of death from non-communicable diseases by between 20% and 30%.
In Santa Cruz de Tenerife there are numerous facilities that together make the municipality a pleasant place for different physical and sporting activities:
95 sports facilities including, among others, football pitches, climbing walls, sports halls, athletics tracks and sports centres, of which 9 are free to use, managed by the public administration and at the service of the public.
9 cycle lane routes and almost thirty street workouts (urban sports facilities permanently located in the streets) with a total of 99 pieces of exercise equipment available for outdoor use and around twenty green parks in the different districts.
3 large promenades in the coastal area.
Tobacco and alcohol use
As the Canary Islands Health Survey 2021 reveals, tobacco consumption is one of the activities with the greatest potential impact on general health and mortality in the Canary Islands. The results of the survey show a reduction in the percentage of smokers, from 26.2% in 2015 to 20% in 2021. The average age of smoking initiation is 18.3 years and, in general, the highest percentage of smokers is found in the 30-64 age group.
With regard to alcohol consumption, the 2021 Health Survey indicates that in the Canary Islands the percentage of weekly consumers has increased, reaching 17.1% of the population. Likewise, according to a survey carried out in 2019 for the 3rd Addictions Plan among minors aged between 11 and 19 in the municipality of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the average age at which alcohol consumption begins is 14 years old. Furthermore, 53.5% of those interviewed reported consuming alcohol on some occasion and that this consumption was concentrated at weekends.
The main environmental risk factors that the municipality is exposed to, are ultraviolet rays and polluting particles in the air. Moreover, other risk factors can be found in other abiotic factors such as water and its quality and temperature.
What is ultraviolet radiation?
UV radiation indicates the intensity of the sun on the Earth's surface. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), small doses of UV radiation are necessary for human beings since they allow us to produce vitamin D, one of the main substances that strengthen our bones. However, excessive exposure is directly related to harmful effects on our health.
According to the Spanish Academy of Dermatology (AEDV), knowing the difference between UVA and UVB rays is vital. UVB causes immediate harm like burns, while UVA leads to long-term issues like premature aging and a higher risk of skin cancer.
In addition, the WHO confirms that the chronic effects of UV radiation not only depend on the doses of radiation but also on the individual sensibility, making it determinant in some cases, especially in those who are vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation.
UV index
The intensity of UV radiation is measured as the solar UV index or solar index. The solar index is related to a daily maximum, a value that will indicate the higher or lower risk of harm from the sun, depending on our location and the moment in time during which we are exposed. This UV index varies throughout the day being at its peak at midday.
The values of the UV index established by WHO are classified as low, moderate, high, very high, and extreme exposure:
Exposure categoryUV valuesLOW<2MODERATE3-5HIGH6-7VERY HIGH8-10EXTREME>11
Given the proximity of the Canary Islands to the Equator, they have a higher UV index than the other Spanish regions. Moreover, since it has been confirmed by the “guide of UV index for the population of the Canary Islands” from 2001, there are environmental variables that also have an impact such as cloudiness or sprays. For example, when inhalable dust occurs such as ‘calima’ (Saharan dust - a mixture of sand and dust from the Sahara) radiation is scattered and, therefore, reduced.
In the database collected in 2022 by the State Meteorological Agency, the daily maximum UV index in the municipality of Santa Cruz de Tenerife is Moderate during winter months and Very High during the rest of the year, there are some cases it has gotten to an Extreme during summer months.
Health Risk Factors
UV rays can trigger the development of non-communicable diseases, in particular skin cancer and melanoma. Numerous investigations made by organizations such as the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EAVD) and the WHO highlight the relationship between UV rays’ exposure and the risk of suffering from these diseases.
According to WHO, ultraviolet radiation causes 1.5 million cases of skin cancer every year and it has been rising in various European countries in recent years. In Spain, almost 300 people are diagnosed monthly with cutaneous melanoma. The European Commission has had a relevant role in actively promoting campaigns for solar security that encourage the use of sunscreens with an appropriate sun protection factor (SPF), the use of protective clothes and looking for shade during peak hours and emphasizing the importance of periodic cutaneous revisions. By knowing the implications of UV rays’ exposure and adopting preventive strategies, people can protect their skin and reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases in Europe.
There are various categories to classify skin types in relation to their reaction to ultraviolet radiation. One of the most prevalent classifications was made by Dr. Fitzpatrick from Harvard Medical School in 1975. This classification - commonly called the Fitzpatrick scale - is based on different physical characteristics like sun sensibility, skin tone, hair, and eye colour. The system entails a scale of six different skin types (or phototypes), each of those can be linked to specific ethnic groups.
Skin typesSkin typesSkin typesIWhite skin, alabasters with lots of freckles and blond.Always gets burnt easily and the burns can be intense. Never gets a tan.IIWhite skin, blue eyes.Always gets burnt easily, and the burn can be intense. Can get slightly tan.IIIWhite skin with a slightly brown tone. Caucasian.Can get burnt, the burn would be moderate. Can get gradually tan.IVBrown skin is more or less intense. Mediterranean.Can get burnt but it would be minimal. Always gets tan.VIntense brown skin. Asians, People of colour with a less intense skin colour, Middle East and South America.Rarely gets burnt. Gets easily tan.VIIntense black skin.Never gets burnt. Gets tan more easily.
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Air Quality Index
In Spain, the National Index of Air Quality (ICA) facilities information with simple and real-time data. This information about air quality is received from meteorological stations from the national vigilance network (nowadays the Canary Islands have a total of 59 stations).
The index shows the level of atmospheric pollution according to the quantity of polluting particles that are concentrated in a specific area.
The main pollutants that are considered in the index are: inhalable particles of two varied sizes (PM10 and PM2,5), Ground-level ozone (O3), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and Sulphur dioxide (SO2). To all these, we can also add occasionally calima, a meteorological phenomenon very usual in the Canarian archipelago that is produced when the air has dust and sand particles. This natural dust from the Sahara Desert can stay in the air for hours and it is usually presented as brown fog that contributes to the rise of inhalable particles type PM10 and PM2,5 that worsen the air quality and affect the health of the population.
According to the concentration of polluting particles in the air, ICA defines air quality as good, fair, moderate, unhealthy, very unhealthy, and hazardous. The Canarian Situational Report from the period of 2014-2020 about air quality stated that the Air Quality Index in the Canary Islands is generally good. This was confirmed by the last report of the Air Quality Evaluation in Spain of 2022, as it detects no exceedances of any limit value or target value established for health protection in the network of the Canary Islands.
What are we breathing?
To protect people’s health from the adverse effects of air pollution, the WHO established limits known as “WHO Air Quality Guidelines”. Urban areas have the highest levels of pollution, and they are prone to get to those limits because of the presence of industries and traffic. If we take into consideration that the municipality of Santa Cruz de Tenerife also holds the Canarian capital of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, we will understand why the air of this municipality frequently has a high level of pollution during some hours of the day.
Fine Particles (PM2.5) are the main pollutants. They are very small inhalable particles that are in the air and the smaller they are, the deeper they can get into our lungs as we breathe. They can have serious effects on our health, including cardiac and pulmonary diseases. Kids, elderly people, and people who suffer from cardiac and pulmonary diseases, asthma, or non-communicable diseases, are more susceptible to the effects of PM2.5 exposure.
Other pollutant particles that are predominant in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and have surpassed legal limits are:
- PM10: polluting inhalable particles with a diameter inferior to 10 micrometres. Particles of more than 2.5 micrometres (PM2.5) can stay in our airways and produce health problems. Exposure can produce eye and throat irritation, cough, difficulty breathing and can worsen asthma. Frequent and excessive exposure can have serious effects on our health.
- NO2: Inhalation of elevated levels of nitrogen dioxide raise the risk of respiratory diseases. Cough and difficulty to breath are usual symptoms, however there are more serious health problems linked such as respiratory infections that can appear after a longer exposure period.
Health Risk Factors
Atmospheric pollution is the major environmental risk for health in Europe and one the main causes of early death and diseases. According to the latest estimations of the European Environment Agency (EEA), fine particles (PM2.5) still affects our health the most.
Some diseases and common conditions related to bad air quality include respiratory problems like asthma and chronic bronchitis, they can even contribute to the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In addition, exposure to atmospheric pollutants can worsen these preexisting conditions such as allergies. In the mid and long term, bad air quality can favour the development of cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and cerebrovascular accidents.
Furthermore, in accordance with the University of La Laguna (Tenerife), calima (Saharan dust) negatively influences heart failure since inhalation of this dust swells up the airways and PM2.5 concentration is determinant to the development of CVA (cerebrovascular accidents).
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) from the United States has made numerous investigations that confirm the strong relationship between some non-communicable diseases with continuous exposure to polluted air.
Impact of air quality on the health
Some investigations have shown that exposure to atmospheric pollution is related to diseases such as asthma, emphysema, and COPD. In addition, polluting agents in the air such as particles and nitrogen are related to the development of chronic bronchitis.
Cardiovascular health is also affected by air quality. Small particles in the air can have negative impacts on the blood vessels’ function and it can contribute to the calcification of the arteries. Moreover, it has been established a relationship between oxide and nitrogen and a higher risk of suffering a brain haemorrhage. The rise of cardiovascular diseases can also lead to lower levels of high-density lipoprotein (known as good cholesterol).
Breathing bad air quality affects people of all ages and origins. However, the people who are affected the most by atmospheric pollution are children, elderly people, and pregnant women. Children who are exposed to high levels of pollution can suffer from respiratory infections such as asthma and cognitive problems. Pregnant women can also be at risk of harmful changes in their blood pressure and a higher risk of premature labour. Additionally, elderly people can suffer from neurological problems, heart diseases, and cognitive difficulties because of prolonged exposure to polluted air.
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In this section, we present information about additional environmental factors such as air quality, beach water, water for consumption, and the temperatures of the cities we live in. This information is also relevant because of its impact on our well-being.
First, water quality is essential to prevent the spread of diseases through water and guarantee safe hydration for people. Exposure to polluted water can lead to some health problems from gastroenteritis to other complex diseases transmitted by vectors. Furthermore, in coastal areas knowing the beach water quality is crucial to protect swimmers from pollutants and microbiological danger.
Additionally, temperature directly influences our comfort and health since prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures can lead to heat stroke, hypothermia, or worsen existing medical conditions. Moreover, seasonal changes can affect our mental health and our immunological system. To sum up, having access to precise and updated information about these environmental factors allows people to make informed decisions to maintain and improve their health, avoiding unnecessary risks and promoting healthier habits.
Water for bathing
In the municipality of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, there are five beaches and approximately five areas for bathing.
According to the Spanish National Report of Water Quality from 2022, 97.4% of water for bathing in the Spanish territory surpassed the “sufficient” quality minimum and 88.2% surpassed the ‘excellent’ index. To evaluate water quality in bathing areas, there is regular analysis of the key indicators related to the presence of faecal pollution throughout the season. These indicators are E. coli and intestinal Enterococcus. The results of this analysis are used to determine the annual classification of each bathing area. All five beaches that belong to the municipality of Santa Cruz de Tenerife are classified by this report as “Excellent”.
The Canarian Government, at times, has to face public health problems stemming from the pollution of the archipelago’s marine ecosystems. The main threats are the leaks of organic and inorganic chemical products, this comes mainly from bad management of residues and insufficient filtering of the water.
Following the updated census in 2021 by the Office for Ecological Transition, Santa Cruz de Tenerife had 13 unauthorised leaks. This pollution of water can have a significant impact on the health through the consumption of polluted food, exposure to toxins, and chemical substances, and appearance of fungus or bacteria. The main consequences of bathing in polluted water are led to acute gastroenteritis, nausea, respiratory or neurological infections, and even skin, eyes, and ear irritations.
Additionally, certain types of seaweed, often called micro-algae, may also force the closure of beaches and recreational areas. In response to the presence of these micro-algae, the Canarian Government has developed a map where people can find up-to-date information about beach conditions and bathing recommendations.
Water for consumption
Water availability in the Canary Islands varies, and in some places, it can be scarce. This is why the biggest percentage of water from the tap in Canarian homes is desalinated (a process in which salt and other substances present in marine water are separated to turn it into adequate water for human consumption). In the municipality of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 70% of the demand of the municipality is covered by their own resources, these being, galleries, wells, and water that comes from the desalination plant of the municipality. It is considered that the water for consumption has good quality when it is healthy and clean, this is when it does not present substances or microorganisms that could be harmful to our health.
In the Canarian archipelago, tap water is drinkable and fit for consumption, however, because of its taste, there is a generalised tendency to use bottled water to cook and hydrate.
The Canarian Government has health guidelines that limit the use of water for consumption when there is unfulfillment of any of the criteria of water quality. This happens when the water surpasses the parametric values of any substance such as fluoride, nitrate, chloride, sodium, boron, and turbidity. Here you can find updated information about which municipalities have been affected by limitations in water consumption.
Drinking Water RestrictionsThe enterprise EMMASA oversees the analysis and control of water quality that serves for human consumption in the municipality of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Furthermore, if you write down the name of a street, you can get an updated date on the water quality of your home.
Water qualityTemperature
The temperature in Santa Cruz de Tenerife depends on various factors, and one of them is the proximity to the sea, trade winds, and the characteristic topography of the municipality. These conditions added to the sun being present practically all year round ensure that significant temperature variations do not exist. The temperatures are around 21º and 25º and the register does not show many differences between either season nor between day and night, which makes the yearly average around 21ºC. Marine breeze and trade winds are responsible for lowering the thermic sensation of the most extreme temperatures. However, in 2023 it has been registering drastic changes in the temperatures, even registering historic minimum and maximum in some places. This is primarily due to global warming, which, according to WHO, has become a worldwide health threat in the 21st century.
In accordance with the seasonal analysis made by Aemet in the municipality of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, during the summer of 2023 it has been registering an average temperature of 30º, with a minimum temperature of 20º and it has occasionally got to 40ºC.
One of the significant outcomes of high temperatures is their potential to worsen pre-existing health conditions, particularly impacting vascular and respiratory issues.
How are these pathologies affected by temperature?
If you don’t have respiratory problems, you should take into consideration that heat can raise the need for oxygen of your cells. However, if you already suffer from respiratory diseases, such as pulmonary problems, it can be a challenge. Heat can make you breathe faster and sweat a lot, which means dehydration since you will lose liquids. This can cause discomfort, but also it can thicken the mucus in your airways, and this would make it more difficult for you to breathe normally.
In case of suffering from cardiac problems, heat and dehydration may be concerning. Dehydration can make your blood thicker and viscous, which raises the risk of forming blood clots. This also increases the possibility of suffering a brain haemorrhage or a heart attack. Moreover, an additional effort that your heart should make to pump blood during heat conditions, especially if you have arterial problems, can explain why during a heat wave it is common to experience chest pain or, even, a heart attack.
Finally, during the summer months, it is important to consider that the risk of diseases transmitted by water and food can also rise. This means that we should be cautious with what we eat and drink to avoid stomach infections, such as gastroenteritis or food poisoning.
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